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Chairman’s message Dear Friends, The year 2015 was an important one for PRISA. After the heavy sacrifices of the recent past, the Group has succeeded in returning to profitability, has continued apace with an accelerated reduction of our debt and is forging ahead with the cultural and technological transformation of our businesses. This Annual Sustainability Report highlights our key accomplishments: we are the very model of a responsible company, both in our work generating cultural and educational content, as well as in the comprehensive range of social initiatives carried out in line with our management model. Despite the complex economic circumstances that we have experienced, at no time have we neglected our Corporate Social Responsibility, a strategic priority for our Board of Directors since 2008. The founding principles at the root of our Group’s culture envisage the creation of value as well as service to the wider public beyond mere financial returns. Value for our clients and users, for our employees, for our shareholders and for society at large. Our constant innovation is evident in the remarkable growth of our media audiences, and the excellent performance of our digital education and learning systems in Latin America. In 2015, ahead of schedule and voluntarily, we reported our non-financial information according to the new G4 version of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), and we were duly honored with the Latin American Award for Corporate Responsibility, awarded by the Ecumenical Social Forum. PRISA has a solid project for the future, based on the talent of our professional teams and on a commitment to the defense of the democratic ideals of freedom and equality, indispensable if we are to meet the challenges facing our society. I thank each and every one of those who bring to the company their invaluable contributions. Their efforts enable us to successfully face the future, a new era that begins today with renewed goals. I am confident that we will succeed, thanks to the effort and enthusiasm of all those who make up our teams. Kind regards, Juan Luis Cebrián Executive Chairman PRISA

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