Legal notice

PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. (hereinafter “PRISA”) is the owner of the website.

The following data is provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11 on the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services and Article 4, Section 4 of Law 56/2007, of December 28 on Measures Promoting the Information Society concerning Disclosure Requirements for Information Society Service Providers:

The owner of this website is PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A., domiciled at 32 Gran Via, Madrid, Tax ID Number A-28/297059, which is entered on the Madrid Companies Register in General Volume 2836, number 2159 of Section 3 of the Companies Book, folio 54, page 19,511, entry no. 1. Email contact address:

Persons accessing and/or using the PRISA websites are deemed to be USERS and, as such, accept the General Conditions of Use set forth herein.

The website provides a multitude of Internet information, services, programs and data (hereinafter, the “content”) that are the property of PRISA or its licensors, to which USERS may have access.

Although PRISA acts in good faith, it shall not be liable either directly or indirectly for any claims arising from the quality, reliability, accuracy or veracity of its content.

USER shall assume full responsibility for the use of this website. This responsibility extends to registering, if required, in order to access certain services or content. When registering, USER undertakes to provide true and lawful information. Upon registering, USER may be provided with a password for which he shall be responsible, undertaking to use it diligently and to maintain it confidential.

USER shall make appropriate use of the content and services that PRISA offers on the website and, including but not limited to the following, USER undertakes (i) not to use them to participate in any activities that are unlawful, illegal or that contravene good faith or public policy; (ii) not to disseminate content or propaganda that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic or unlawful, or that justifies terrorism or infringes human rights; (iii) not to damage the hardware or software of PRISA, its suppliers or third parties, or to introduce or disseminate on the Internet viruses or any other hardware or software capable of causing such damage; and (iv) not to attempt to access or otherwise use the email accounts of other users or to modify or manipulate their messages.

PRISA reserves the right to delete any comment or contribution that is an affront to personal dignity, that may be deemed discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, or pornographic, that jeopardize youth or children, or that contravene public policy or threaten public security, or that, in the opinion of PRISA are not appropriate for publication.

4. PRISA, either as proprietor or assignee or licensee, owns all intellectual and industrial property rights in the webpage, as well as all of the elements contained therein (including, among others, images, sounds, audio, video, software or texts; trademarks and logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of the materials used, computer programs necessary for its functioning, access and use, etc…), which are the property of PRISA or its licensors.

USER undertakes to respect all of PRISA’s intellectual and industrial property rights. USER may view the elements and content of this web page and may print, copy or store them in the hard disk of his computer or in any other device, providing that he does so solely and exclusively for his own personal and private use. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce, transform, distribute, publicly disseminate, provide or in any way commercially exploit this web content, including the modification, alteration or disassembly thereof. USER shall refrain from deleting, modifying, overriding or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on this webpage.

USER shall likewise refrain from using content from this webpage for inclusion on another webpage.

5. PRISA shall not be liable in any case for damage of any nature that may be sustained as a result of, among others, errors or omissions in the web content, unavailability of the webpage, or viruses or malicious or damaging programs in its content, despite having adopted the necessary technological measures to prevent them.

6. PRISA reserves the right without prior notice to modify this website as deemed warranted, and may change, delete or add content and services provided through the web, as well as the way they are presented or where they are located.

7. PRISA may use cookies to personalize and facilitate USER’s navigation on this website. Cookies shall be associated only with an anonymous USER and his computer, and do not provide references that reveal USER’s personal data. USER may configure his navigator to notify him and reject the installation of cookies sent by PRISA, without preventing USER from accessing the website content.

8. In the event that the website contains links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, PRISA shall not exercise any type of control with respect to those sites and their content.

At no time shall PRISA assume any responsibility for content accessed through a link to another website, nor does PRISA guarantee its technical availability or the quality, accuracy, exactness, depth, veracity, validity or constitutionality of any material or information accessed through such hyperlinks or on other Internet sites.

In that regard, the inclusion of external links does not imply any type of association, merger or interest in the accessed entities.

9. Without prior notice, PRISA reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to this web and/or its services to users who breach these General Conditions of Use, whether it be at PRISA’s own request or at the request of a third party.

10. PRISA shall prosecute any breach of these conditions and any misuse of this website, exercising all civil and criminal actions to which it may be entitled.

11. PRISA may at any time modify the conditions contained herein, to be duly published in like form.

These conditions shall remain in force as shown herein and until they are amended and duly published.

12. The relationship between PRISA and USER shall be governed by current Spanish legislation and they shall submit any disputes to the courts of the city of Madrid.