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100 4 | Sustainability at PRISA Responsible management of our users and digital transformation Digital technology has definitively placed people at the center of each and every company’s strategy. Di-gital technology brings us closer to users and allows us to learn more about their habits —thereby enabling us to offer personalized products that will improve their user experience. The responsible management of our users must first start with focussing on and preparing our professional teams to face the challenge of digital transformation —a transformation that requires us to develop new skills, new procedures, new products and new ways of working. To this end, over recent years, PRISA has been energetically pursuing an ambitious transfor-mation plan to provide us with the organizational and corporate culture necessary to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by technology and the digital world for our business group. This plan includes tra-ining and development programs that will enable our professionals to adapt to this new reality. Never before in history, have media organizations had this opportunity to listen to and dialogue directly with their readers and users. Digital technology has expo-nentially multiplied the audiences of traditional media. In the case of PRISA, the Spanish and Portuguese languages have allowed us to cross borders by re-moving all barriers to communication. Users increa-singly want to participate in the construction of collective opinion, express themselves and feel part of the content. There is a broad range of controls and procedu-res aimed at addressing and properly managing processes and procedures across the entire Retina, the technological and Ibero-American forum of El País value chain of our content, allowing us to strike and maintain the perfect balance between digi-tal technology as a source of added value and the traditional strengths of our brands. Our content is provided with systems for en-couraging participation via comments that are

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