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136 5Appendix APPLICATION AND SCOPE OF THIS REPORT This Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2017 provides a faithful and transparent overview of the degree of development of the actions and com-mitments of Grupo PRISA in economic, social and environmental areas over the course of 2016, and builds on those reports of the past nine years. The data presented here provide a broad summary of all the activities and operations of the Group in all the countries where it is present, with any excep-tions being detailed In the accompanying GRI Indi-cator tables. Further, the data provided are either an aggregate of all the information at a Group level or Just as in previous years, in producing this Report, we have taken into account the guiding Principles of the Global Compact, and we have followed the recommendations of the Guide for the Creation of Sustainability Reports from the Global Reporting InitiativeTM, for the presentation and drafting of this report. In 2015 and 2016, the report was made in accordance with the guidelines established in the new guide GRI G.4 at a Comprehensive level, which guarantees that all content deals with the most im-portant aspects of interest to stakeholders. In order to determine the contents of the Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2017, and following the GRI G4 guidelines, we have used as a base the results of the materiality analysis carried out in 2016, which has, in turn, given rise to a new materiality matrix for the Group . This analysis identified all those environmental, so-cial and economic aspects that are significant for stakeholders and for the organization, based on their impact on the value chain. The process for de-termining these aspects, as well as the results the-reof, are described in detail in Chapter 4, “Sustaina-bility at PRISA”. broken down by company, depending on the natu-re of said information – with the goal of making it more accessible to the reader. In most cases, the report shows the evolution of results over the course of previous years as this allows for a comparative analysis. This Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2017 contains information on the Group’s business units: PRISA Noticias, PRISA Radio, PRISA Audio-visual and Santillana in all those markets where they operate.

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