Sustainability Report 2022

The impact of the Group's activity on local populations and regions PRISA is a dynamic group with a significant international presence, mobilizing a diverse and multicultural workforce. It has 7,222 employees , most of whom are recruited locally where the Group operates. It is thus a driving force for employment and for social and economic development and growth in a wide range of different communities. PRISA Media, with 3,786 employees , stimulates the job markets in Spain, Colombia, Mexico and Chile , through the radio and press operations of its brands, and the company promotes the career opportunities and development of university students through educational cooperation agreements with local universities. In Spain, PRISA Media also collaborates with the on-the-job training initiative FCT , helping students from intermediate and higher-level training courses. It also collaborates with the Human Age Foundation for the social and employment inclusion of people with disabilities. In Colombia, Caracol Radio , together with the NGO Ayuda En Acción and the Externado University , offers the 2022 Regional Journalism Scholarship , "there is a future, we leave our mark" , an initiative that fosters regional journalism and offers one of the winners a journalism internship at a local radio station. Santillana , through its activity, boosts the economy in the educational sector in the regions where it operates and thus boosts business in other sectors too. In addition to the direct employment generated (3,395 employees), its main activity has a positive impact on creating indirect employment in the graphic design industry and in printing plants , sales channels (bookshops/e-commerce), in the logistics and distribution sector and in the digital industry (platforms), and on the employability of other freelance professionals , such as authors, designers, editors, proofreaders, illustrators, etc. The education forums and events that Santillana organizes to foster the development of the educational community in new methodological, and technological and socio-emotional trends also contribute to revitalizing the industries associated with this type of activity, such as the marketing and hospitality sectors . Santillana also promotes the development of local employment through initiatives such as the company's program of apprenticeships and internships in different areas of the company in Brazil . Currently, there are 26 apprentices and 12 interns. Its SFB educational system promotes student entrepreneurship through the Start SFB contest, which rewards innovative business projects, aided by mentors and an online project development platform. In Mexico, Santillana participates in job fairs organized by universities and in job banks , both private and Government-sponsored. It also promotes talent incubators and supports micro entrepreneurship for the distribution and sale of educational materials in the official market. And in smaller countries, such as Ecuador , Santillana participates actively, through the Ministry of Employment, in the employability of people with disabilities, and it promotes university internships and access to their first job for young people between 18 and 26 years of age. PRISA also contributes to social progress and coexistence in all those regions where it operates. Numerous forums and events help strengthen ties and engagement with stakeholders, especially audiences and local educational communities, by offering meeting spaces, information, training and knowledge around a wide range of topics. Santillana has transversally incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals into all educational content to be launched in 2023. It has also developed initiatives in the field of training for teachers on sustainable development and social projects aimed at minorities and disadvantaged students . The company has also taken steps to reduce its environmental footprint and it has made a greater institutional commitment to l ocal and regional ESG organizations and entities in Latin America. The role of the Santillana Foundation is also very important in this regard. In 2022, the foundation promoted debate and inclusive and equal education in countries such as Brazil and Argentina. PRISA Media works hard to raise awareness about social and environmental challenges in its news content and in spaces dedicated to reflection and expert opinion. Initiatives such as Planeta Futuro, América Futura, Materia, Retina , the EL PAÍS Society and Climate sections, as well as the newspaper’s gender correspondent , the CincoDías section on good governance , and the news and programs aired by SER are just some of the many ways to build closer engagement between the general public and sustainability issues. The company also contributes to SDG 17, which promotes partnerships for development, through a wide range of forums and events organized with collaborating or sponsoring entities. The future of work, geopolitical and economic trends, social and climate challenges, urban mobility, depopulation in Spain, energy and digital transformation, sustainable finance and well-being, are some of the topics with an ESG component to be addressed, in addition to a commitment to humanitarian aid, equality and diversity. In Colombia , November saw the creation of the CARACOL-Radio W Foundation , whose purpose is to encourage, support, promote and develop activities, programs and projects related to culture, social development, environmental protection, science and technology, business development, human rights and the strengthening of institutions. Numerous forums and events help strengthen ties and engagement with local communities . The Regional Journalism Scholarship “hay futuro dejamos huella 2022”. PRISA Sustainability Report 2022 79 78 Social Impact