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Business areas 18 PRISA, a global group Santillana In 2015, Santillana focused all its activities on the education sector, primarily in four major areas: educational projects and solutions that respond to the curriculum of each country; creating new tools and technology platforms geared towards personalized learning and assessment; language learning —especially English; and, finally, a commitment to children and young adult literature, with the addition of a new imprint, Loqueleo. Innovation in content, services and teaching methodologies were at the core of our operations, as were the reflection and ongoing research on emerging educational trends. With operating revenues of 643 million euros and EBITDA of 167 million, the company has, once again this year, maintained its leadership in the Spanish and Portuguese language education sectors. Business in Latin America accounted for 77% of revenues and 82% of EBITDA. By country, the best performers were Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, and there were also good results in terms of revenue from Chile, the northern Central American area and Peru. Spain ranks second for revenue, showing an increase of 19.7% over 2014. The strong performance of Santillana has been widespread across the various areas of activity, both with regard to the regular line of company operations as well as its learning systems solutions targeted at the Latin American market, which already account for more than 17% of total revenue and cater to more than 800,000 students. Sistema UNOi closed the year with 274,000 students, while Santillana Compartir reached 533,000 students in 14 countries, with an increase in revenues of 41.8% over 2014. This modular and flexible edu- Santillana Compartir reaches 533,000 students in 14 countries.

Memoria 2016 EN_PRISA_20160315_V4 baja
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