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99 Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2016 | PRISA Sustainability at PRISA In 2015, PRISA was honored with the Latin American Award for Corporate Responsibility, given by the Social Ecumenical Forum. The Group achieved the highest scores in all four areas evaluated by the committee assessing the Group’s performance: economic, institutional, environmental and social. The jury praised the work of PRISA as a role model for socially responsible companies that strive to meet the expectations of a range of stakeholders: customers and users, employees, shareholders, suppliers and society in general. “There is complete consistency between the overall strategy and the sustainability of the organization, as well as the actual measures that have been implemented, showing a continued commitment over time to CSR”, said the jury. Noteworthy is the fact that PRISA voluntarily produced its 2015 report in accordance with the new Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 guidelines a full year before these rules came into force. These will now be compulsory from 2016. PRISA, across all its divisions (Santillana, audiovisual and news) is committed to and active in the defense of freedom of expression and conscience and human rights. Social responsibility is considered not merely as a complement or ancillary, but an inherent part of the Group. PRISA’s media have long championed campaigns in favor of human rights and development as promoted by bodies and NGOs such as UNICEF, WWF, Intermón Oxfam, Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción, Ayuda en Acción, Red Cross, Manos Unidas, Médicos sin Fronteras, Save the Children and the UNHCR. Support is offered through habitual reporting and specific sponsorship or promotion deals. All such initiatives are shared via PRISA’s Social Res- ponsibility Observatory, a body that meets once a month, in which all business units are represented, and whose responsibility is to develop and manage a global, comprehensive and cross-corporate social responsibility strategy and to channel, support and coordinate the strategy of each of the companies and business units. Social, cultural and environmental action Debate on Sustainable Development Goals

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