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113 Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2017 | PRISA Inks and varnishes 107,7 17,77 Authorized agent Paper and cardboard 3.300 11.143,50 Recycling Electronic equipment 1,72 8 Recycling Plate developer 47 41,1 Authorized agent País, Cinco Días, As, El Huffington Post, Cadena SER programs and all PRISA Radio stations work to raise awareness and offer coverage of this so-cial mobilization. Santillana, meanwhile, promotes the initiative in schools and other educational ins-titutions. In addition, PRISA encourages the parti-cipation of its almost 9,000 employees through the company’s internal communication channels and corporate websites. In April, El País organized the Sustainable Urba-nism Forum, a one-day seminar which brought together architects and experts to analyze the ur-ban designs of the future. In May, El País organized Retina, the Ibero-American forum on technology which explored how the Internet is transforming all areas of society and which discussed the keys to Tons 2015 Tons 2016 Treatment meeting the Paris agreements on climate change as well as the challenge of sustainable energies and Smart Cities. Once again, Cinco Días, along with 20 other in-ternational business and finance newspapers, collaborated with Sparknews and its Solutions & Co alliance. This alliance was formed with the aim of creating a common narrative style on Climate Change in the media. offered ex-tensive coverage, posting more than fifty stories on how to tackle this threat. Cadena SER addresses environmental issues in a transversal fashion and across all its programs and, in particular, on programs such as El Viaje-ro Cuántico (The Quantum Traveler), which airs on Waste control | Waste generated by PRISA1 | 1Dates for Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Spain, Honduras, Mexico, Portugal, Peru, Uruguay, US, Dominican Republic, Venezuela. Fridays within “La Ventana”, and Punto de Fuga. In collaboration with Ecoembes, the network airs short snippets on the importance of recycling on the shows Hoy por hoy, La Ventana and Hora 25. In Mexico, the initiative LOS40 Solidarios organi-zed a reforestation day, during which more than 900 trees were planted in Guadalajara. Santillana also develops content and materials to enable students from an early age to better un-derstand the value of sustainability and to raise their awareness on climate issues and the misuse of available resources.

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