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117 Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2017 | PRISA PRISA Noticias PRISA Noticias has a clear global vocation and seeks to promote and champion the defense of human rights, education, equality and the environment. As part of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Global Compact Network, it is firmly committed to expanding the content offered by the range of news titles overseen by this bu-siness unit. Once again this year, there have been a wide range of initiatives to foster these values. El País has made it its editorial duty to inform readers of all social initiatives that are undertaken, not only in-ternally but also globally. The section Planeta Futuro makes an enormous contribution to informing readers on environmental issues and equality, and is committed to raising awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals of the Global Compact. The section’s good social practices were honored with the SERES Award, given to companies in recognition of their efforts to create value in society. Mujeres, the newspaper section on women’s issues, was honored with the award Generating Art by the Association of Women Artists. PRISA Noticias once again lent its support to the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) in promoting the campaign Earth Hour. El País, Cinco Días, As and El Huffington Post all encouraged mass participation and gave widespread coverage to the largest global movement in defense of the environment. In April, El País organized the Sustainable Urbanism Forum, a conference sponsored by BBVA and Castellana Norte District, and at which architects and urban design experts analyzed the future of urban planning. El País con tu Futuro Once again, Cinco Días, along with 20 other international business and finance news-papers, collaborated with Sparknews and its Solutions & Co alliance. This alliance was formed with the aim of creating a common narrative style on Climate Change in the me-dia. offered extensive coverage, posting more than fifty stories on how to tackle this threat. Likewise, in partnership with Ferrovial, the newspaper dedicated one of its breakfast debates to exploring the concept of corporate social responsibility as a new model of business management. The Paralympics was discussed at a breakfast meeting organized by the sports daily As, which explored the power of sport to integrate the issue of disability into everyday life. The refugee crisis, the Islamic State and Brexit were just some of the issues to have occupied the news agenda in 2016. In addition to coverage through the usual channels, El País organized jointly with the producer Casa Limón and Berklee College of Music, a collection of four music book-albums called Refugio del Sonido, featuring performers

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