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96 4 | Sustainability at PRISA for providing crucial knowledge to employees throughout the organization.There is online pla-tform to which all employees have access. This platform hosts all the experience and knowledge gained from the most significant business, orga-nizational and technology projects. The number of users has already reached 2,546 (and the number of knowledge items published is 85). Professional development The current job performance appraisal system is part of the annual variable compensation program, applicable across the company. It is a system of individual performance evaluation, whereby a per-formance appraisal of employees is carried out over a given period within the organization, based on a series of criteria depending on the functions of the job and the sector. In 2016, the percenta-ge of employees subject to performance appraisal was 36%. Managing equality and diversity PRISA endorses, supports and promotes all po-licies that contribute to equal opportunities and non-discrimination based on race, gender, politi-cal or religious beliefs. In their daily management, Group companies strictly comply with these prin-ciples. It is worth reiterating that PRISA has adopted a Code of Ethics, mandatory for all employees, in which pluralism and respect for all ideas, cultures and people, are set out as the company’s core va-lues. PRISA is committed to respecting and pro-tecting human rights and civil liberties, with the chief objective being respect for human dignity. A statement of these principles is available on the Group’s Intranet and the Intranets of the individual Business Units. These principles inform and guide company operations in the areas of equality, diver-sity and the integration of disadvantaged groups. The principles that inspire both the Group and its workers are: • Compliance with the principle of equal treat-ment at work. • Rejection of any discrimination on grounds of sex, marital status, age, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, disability, sexual orientation, political beliefs, trade union membership, etc. Distribution of employees by gender 127 396 Senior management Women in senior management 55% 45% 4.759 3.938 Men Women

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