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20 PRISA, a global group 13 in Spain and Latin America. The year also saw the completion of the development of the first module of Effective Learning, a training tool in basic cognitive skills that offers a personalized learning pathway for each student. Another initiative to be rolled out was Saber y más, a digital content repository based on a semantic web system that offers more than 60,000 items of content organized into lesson plans associated with the curriculum. It is designed so that resources from PRISA (El País and SER) may be subsequently added, as may other open resources. An online evaluation platform, Pleno, has also been developed. This provides teachers with an arsenal of testing tools and student performance reports. It is the first such initiative by Santillana as it makes a foray into the strategic field of evaluation, key to improving the teaching-learning process. Finally, there were noteworthy efforts to reflect on new educational challenges and trends. This endeavor was behind the launch of SantillanaLAB, a platform of experts from different areas of the educational world, organized in two working groups, LabEDU and Lab- TEXT, which have both analyzed the role and shape of textbook in these changing times, as well as the trends that are driving the incorporation of innovative methodologies, new educational roles and new organizational models for schools. Français. The Languages Division contributes to the contents of both Sistema UNOi and Santillana Compartir, educational solutions which enjoyed a 35% increase in the number of students studying English in 2015. Geographic expansion and growth have continued apace in international markets such as Turkey and Asia. Santillana has maintained its commitment to adopting and improving technologies in content creation for educational services. In order to improve the user experience, the technology platform (LMS) has been perfected: LMS is at the very heart of the UNOi and Compartir systems. Meanwhile, the pilot adaptive learning project, A20, focusing on mathematics, was launched and involved 2,000 students aged between 12 and SantillanaLAB, the new platform on educational challenges and trends

Memoria 2016 EN_PRISA_20160315_V4 baja
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