Social Responsibility
and Sustainability


Full report

Guarantee for the future

PPRISA is the world’s leading Spanish
and Portuguese-language media group
in the creation and distribution of content in the fields of culture,
education, news and information, and entertainment


Chairman's message

Presidente Juan Luis Cebrián

Dear friends:

PRISA is a responsible company – both in our work generating cultural and educational content, as well as in our energetic activity in the area of social action, undertaken in line with our company’s management model. Despite the complex economic landscape, our company is widely recognized for its work in the area of CSR, with the Global Compact of the United Nations inviting PRISA to serve on the Executive Committee of the Spanish Network this year.

We have continued to make great strides in terms of our social commitments, revising and adjusting our indicators to the 17 new Sustainable Development Goals.

In the area of content, we have done a commendable job in raising awareness on sustainable development, with the efforts of the El País portal on this issue, Planeta Futuro, honored by the SERES Foundation with the SERES Award 2016.

All of our activity is tied, at all times, to the creation of value and the provision of service to citizens that goes far beyond mere financial returns. We seek value for our shareholders, our customers and users, our employees, and society at large. Our constant innovation is evident in the growth of our media audiences, and the excellent performance of our learning systems in Ibero-America.

PRISA has a solid project for the future based on professional talent and a commitment to the defense of the democratic ideals of freedom and equality, ideals that are essential if we are to meet the challenges facing society.

AI thank each and every one of those who are part of the company for their invaluable, daily contribution. Their effort and commitment enable us to confidently face the future, a future that will prove decisive for the Group. I am convinced that we will succeed thanks to the effort and enthusiasm of all those who make up our teams.

Warm regards,

Juan Luis Cebrián

Executive Chairman


Main figures


Our brands

Principales marcas del grupo prisa

Where we are

  • Argentina
  • Honduras
  • Bolivia
  • México
  • Brasil
  • Panamá
  • Chile
  • Paraguay
  • Colombia
  • Perú
  • Costa Rica
  • Portugal
  • Ecuador
  • Puerto Rico
  • El Salvador
  • United Kingdom
  • España
  • República Dominicana
  • United States
  • Uruguay
  • Guatemala
  • Venezuela

Application and scope

This Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report provides a faithful and transparent overview of the degree of development of the actions and commitments of PRISA in economic, social and environmental areas over the course of 2016. The data presented here provide a broad summary of the activities and operations of the Group in all the countries where it is present.

Aplication and scope

Guiding principles behind the Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report

This PRISA Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2017 has been prepared in line with GRI G4 protocol and conforms to the highest “In Accordance – Comprehensive” level of reporting prescribed in these guidelines.

The information should cover aspects that reflect the Group’s significant social, environmental and economic impacts, or those that would substantively influence the assessments and decisions of stakeholders.

To meet this objective, the Group carried out a new materiality analysis, with the methodology explained in detail in Chapter 4, “Sustainability at PRISA”.

Stakeholders are entities or individuals that can reasonably be expected to identify or be linked with PRISA’s activities. The company should endeavor to satisfy the demands and concerns of these groups through the improvement and maintenance of the quality of its products and activities. The reasonable expectations and interests of stakeholders are a basic point of reference for many of the decisions taken when drafting this report.

The report should present the organization’s performance in the wider context of sustainability, and reflect how it contributes via its actions to matters of an environmental, social and economic nature.

The Report’s coverage of the material topics and Indicators and the definition of the report boundary should be sufficient to reflect significant economic, environmental, and social impacts over the course of 2016.

The Report should reflect both positive and negative aspects of organizational performance in order to provide an informed assessment of overall performance.

The information is presented in such a way so that the stakeholders can analyze the evolution of organizational performance, and can do so with respect to other organizations.

The report should present information on management approach, and on economic, environmental, and social indicators in a way that is sufficiently accurate and detailed so that stakeholders may assess organizational performance.

This report provides continuity to those presented in previous years.

The report should present information in a way that is sufficiently understandable by the organization’s range of stakeholders so that these may access information and comprehend it.

For this Sustainability Report, the organization has gathered, analyzed and disclosed information and processes used in the preparation of the report in a way that they can be subject to examination and that establishes the quality and materiality of the information.