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81 Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2017 | PRISA METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED IN THE MATERIALITY ANALYSIS GOAL IDENTIFICATION - IDENTIFY RELEVANT MATERIAL ASPECTS PRIORIZATION The goal of the analysis is to identify material topics in corporate responsibility affecting PRISA and its stakeholders, taking into account both its business model as well as the requirements of GRI G4. The analysis also endeavours to link and align SDGs with each material aspect. By analyzing internal and external information, we determine the chief expectations of our stakeholders. Prioritization of material topics according to a standard assessment system, and that looks at the possible impact of each aspect on the value chain and on stakeholders. The results are weighted by relating material topics to SDGs that are considered priority. Regular updating of the list of relevant aspects. Priority SDGs identified by PRISA According to the correlation factor applied, these will be weighted accordingly Importance for stakeholders Impact on the value chain 1. Low importance 2. Medium importance 3. High importance 1. Low impact 2. Medium impact 3. High impact 4. Very high impact Assessment of relevant aspect VALIDATION REVIEW Systematic validation of the list of chief aspects by means of meetings with those responsible for key areas in terms of environmental, social and economic aspects.

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