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4.10 Processes for evaluating the highest governance body’s own performance, particularly with respect to economic, environmental, and social performance 140 Informe de Sostenibilidad 2014 58-73; IAGC 2013 COMMItMENtS tO EXtERNAL INItIAtIVES 4.11 Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization 16-43 4.12 Externally developed economic, environmental, and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or endorses 81-131 4.13 Memberships in associations and/or national/international organizations the organization supports 72-73; 81; 121-131 StAkEhOLDER ENGAGEMENt 4.14 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization 65-67; 90-95 4.15 Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage 65-67; 90-95 4.16 Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group 65-67; 90-95 4.17 key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting 65-67; 90-95 MANAGEMENt APPROACh AND COMPLIANCE WIth PERfORMANCE INDICAtORS ECONOMIC DIMENSION EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee com- pensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governments Individual and consolidated accounts 2013 EC2 financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization’s activities due to climate change Individual and consolidated accounts 2013; 21-22; 133-139 EC3 Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations Individual and consolidated accounts 2013; 21-22; 125-128; 135-143 EC4 Significant financial assistance received from government Individual and consolidated accounts 2013 MARkEt PRESENCE EC6 Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally based suppliers at significant locations of operation 135-137 EC7 Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from the local community at significant locations of operation 51-81; 135-137 EC8 Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagement 51-81

Informe Anual EN
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