Sustainability IN PRISA

We believe that our very business operations play a significant role in the development of a democratic and sustainable society

Dialogue and communication with our stakeholders

PRISA has its own mechanisms for dialogue with its stakeholders, making us alert to their opinions and concerns, and enabling us to appropriately address their needs and demands.


Our sustainable development strategy

As a media and education group, we take our responsibilities seriously, not merely in how we manage our businesses – which sees us integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into our strategy – but also through our operations and content, through which we strive to raise awareness and educate, and foster and spread knowledge on issues that concern society and that will further the goals of the UN’s Agenda 2030. [ Read + ]


The chief social responsibility of a media group such as PRISA is to defend and practice, truthfully and vigorously, the right to information and freedom of expression. In this way we contribute to the growth and development of democratic societies everywhere we operate. [Read +]

PRISA’s commitment to responsible management of human capital has these main objectives:

  • To foster the professional growth and personal development of each employee by providing a work environment that promotes equal opportunities and the exclusion of discrimination. To base promotion on merit, ability and the performance of professional duties.
  • To champion and implement the principle of equality between men and women, ensuring equal opportunities in income and profesional development at all levels of the workplace.
  • To promote and improve women’s access to positions of responsibility, thereby reducing inequalities and imbalances that may arise in the company.
  • To establish measures to promote a better work-life balance for workers.

To achieve these objectives, all Human Resources policies implemented by the Group are aimed at promoting the development of independent and committed professionals and the training of leaders in our teams, who will thereby be better equipped to inform, educate and entertain people and act in ways that are accountable to society. [Read +]

Digital technology has definitively placed people at the center of each and every company’s strategy. Digital technology brings us closer to users and allows companies such as PRISA to learn more about their habits – thereby enabling us to offer an improved and more complete user experience.

This entails responsible management of our users that must first start with focussing on and preparing our professional teams to face the challenge of digital transformation – a transformation that requires us to develop new skills, new procedures, new products and new ways of working. Fortunately, over recent years, PRISA has been energetically pursuing an ambitious culture of transformation that is attentive to change, and has fostered develop new skills, new procedures, new products and new ways of working, all of which are essential if we are to embrace the new opportunities offered by technology and digital environments. Direct dialogue between the media and readers has long been embraced by the Group and this dialogue is supported by technology that allows the user to see the effect of their active participation both on the collective opinion and on content creation, and this, in turn, contributes to audience growth. [Read +]

The Communications and Corporate Marketing Department is guided at all times by the ultimate objectives of the company for the development of strategies and initiatives, and is ultimately responsable for image and corporate culture, the positioning of Group brands and its senior management.

The focus of our efforts is on continuously improving reputation, and is addressed to each of the internal and external stakeholders of the organization. [Read +]

The chief goal of PRISA’s Procurement Policy is to build up a solid base of suppliers and collaborators, thereby enabling all our companies to acquire goods and services under the strict criteria of efficiency, cost, coverage and technical and productive capacity. Moreover, PRISA also evaluates and ensures the supplier’s integrity and its respect for basic human rights, and the environment. The Corporate Procurement Department coordinates all relations between Group companies and their suppliers, governed at all times by principles of objectivity, transparency and non-discrimination, in keeping with PRISA’s Code of Ethics and under the following criteria:

  • Any information supplied will be identical for all suppliers, ensuring that no single supplier enjoys any initial advantage, thus fostering legitimate competition.
  • Potential suppliers will not be invited to participate in the adjudication process.
  • The results of the adjudication and certification process, including a summary of the criteria employed, will be communicated to the supplier in writing. Initiatives for constant improvement are in place, which boost quality to the benefit of both parties. [Read +]

PRISA is committed, in all its business operations, to the environment and to reducing both the costs and the impact that any such operations may have on the world around us.

The Group’s Environmental Security Policy includes a series of basic principles with the aim of providing safe products and services that respect the environment throughout their entire life cycle. These principles state that:

  • PRISA will comply with all applicable legal requirements, and will, whenever possible, make every effort to anticipate them.
  • The group will actively strive to reduce and prevent pollution and waste, and to conserve energy in all its operations.
  • The group will require its suppliers to conduct their operations in an environmentally responsable manner.
  • The group will ensure the safety of industrial operations to avoid any negative impact on the environment. [Read +]

Since the very outset, PRISA has championed freedom of expression, conscience, human rights and sustainable development as an inseparable part of the whole Group, and we do so not merely through content, but also via a wide range of social, cultural and environmental initiatives and projects and by actively participating in key social platforms and organizations that share our commitment to these same values.

Testament to this commitment, PRISA is an active member of the Global Compact of the United Nations through its Spanish network.

The Group is firmly committed to the Ten Principles that this global organization promotes in the areas of human rights, the fight against corruption, labor rights and environmental protection. We are part of its Executive Committee, we actively support all its initiatives and we develop specific projects together to promote debate and disseminate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030. In 2017 we have renewed our commitment, as we do every year. [More +]