Pilar Gil Miguel

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Vice President of the Board of Directors

Member of the Delegated Commission

Pilar Gil has a degree in Economics from ICADE (E-2) and has completed the executive education program (PDD) at IESE.  She began her career at Chase Manhattan Bank, specializing in tracking international markets, before moving to Arthur Andersen, where for three years she audited a range of companies.  

Pilar Gil who originally joined PRISA to oversee its IPO in 2000, has been a key participant in all the company’s key events since then, both with regard to refinancing operations and capital increases as well as PRISA’s ambitious plans as the group has continued to evolve in a highly competitive technological environment.  In addition, she has been instrumental in the development of the Group’s current Strategic Plan and has overseen the company’s first Capital Markets Day. 

In May 2021 she was named Chief Cabinet of PRISA’s President and responsible for dealings with shareholders and investors. She is the Finance Director of PRISA since July 2022 and executive director of the Company since February 2023.

In June 2023, she was appointed vice president by the PRISA Council.



First and last appointments:

  • 28 February 2023
  • 27 June 2023

Boards of Directors of other listed companies on which she serves (*):


(*) Excluding: (i) holdings or family-owned companies and (ii) positions in companies that had been already recorded in the previous biographical note.

Boards of Directors of other non-listed companies on which she serves (*):

  • Board Member of other Grupo PRISA companies.

(*) Excluding: (i) holding or family-owned companies and (ii) positions in companies that had been already recorded in the previous biographical note.

Other paid activities:

The director does not perform remunerated activities other than those mentioned.

Ownership Interest:

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