
EL PAÍS partners with the world's largest social network for news feed program


Facebook is showing its firm commitment to quality journalism through joint projects with leading news media such as EL PAÍS. The world's largest social network, with 1.8 billion users, today launched a new initiative called the Facebook Journalism Project that the company defines as “a new program to create stronger ties between Facebook and the News industry”. “We will be collaborating with news organizations to develop products, learning from journalists about ways we can be a better partner, and working with publishers and educators on how we can equip people with the knowledge they need to be informed readers in the digital age" Facebook explained in a statement.


By launching joint news initiatives with EL PAÍS, the world’s top social network will be offering verified and truthful news and information, while at the same time experimenting with innovative formats.


The Facebook Journalism Project, announced on Wednesday, will work in three ways:

Collaborative development of news products, the development of new tools for journalists, and the identification of news hoaxes and rumors on social media.


One of the new features of the Facebook Journalism Project is to offer users a selection of five news items, written and edited by journalists each morning, designed exclusively for mobile devices, and delivered every day to the user’s news feed. EL PAÍS is one of nine media organizations chosen to launch this format, which starts later this week.


It works in the following manner:

1. The user must be a follower of EL PAÍS on Facebook.

2. The content will appear on your news feed at 6 am, adapted to your local time.

3. You can only view the feed on your phone. The news adopts the format of Instant Articles, a mobile publishing format for smartphones that enables news publishers to distribute articles to Facebook's app that load and display rapidly, and which EL PAÍS has been using since the beginning of 2016. As Instant Articles, you'll see texts, photos and videos instantly.

4. To advance to the next news item, just swipe right. To open them, swipe up.

5. To receive notifications of new items, the user simply has to activate alerts in the last of the five news items.


Further information here.

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