Press Releases

Santillana promotes health in Chilean classrooms thanks to an agreement with the Chile Vive Sano Foundation


Santillana and Chile Vive Sano Foundation have teamed up to encourage the promotion of healthy habits in the classroom through a cooperation agreement enabling both organizations to develop joint educational initiatives for improving the quality of life.

The publisher, committed to creating innovative methodologies in education, is to provide educational, methodological and academic support, while the Chile Vive Sano Foundation will provide technical advice on issues related to healthy eating and physical exercise.

Signing the deal were Cecilia Morel, former First Lady and president of the Chile Vive Sano Foundation, and Mauricio Montenegro, General Manager of Santillana, who pledged to design and implement projects for the benefit of the school population, reaching out to parents, tutors and teachers, as well.

Santillana Chile has been active since 2011 in the training of school communities to improve their quality of life. In 2013, the publisher was recognized by the Chilean government for its pioneering educational project Construye tu huella saludable en familia (Build a Healthy Footprint for your Family).

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