
El Pais committed to the defense of Human Rights


El Pais, the leading Spanish-language newspaper, is to the forefront of the defense of democratic freedoms, a foundational principal of the newspaper. The Report on Human Rights and the print media (Informe Derechos Humanos y Prensa escrita 2008), carried out by the Fundación Ciudadanía y Valores (Foundation for Citizenship and Values), in colaboration with the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), said that El Pais publishes more on the subject than any other paper.

Marking the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fundación Ciudadanía y Valores analyzed Spanish media coverage of issues related to human rights.

The study, sponsored by Caixa Galicia, compared four articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with the main headlines from print and online media over a period of six months (April to September 2008). Among the newspapers analyzed, El Pais scored the most stories on the issues, with a total of 245, followed the the regional paper DEIA (224), El Mundo (154) and ABC (150).

Since the very outset, El Pais, its founders and supporters have had a firm commitment to Spanish society. Three decades on, this committment is as strong as ever. El Pais champions numerous human-rights campaigns, through special coverage or by making available advertising space to NGOs and foundations.

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