
Santillana, EL PAIS, Cadena SER and Canal + host a children’s workshop at La Casa Encendida


From December 26 to 30, Santillana, in conjunction with the newspaper El Pais, Cadena SER and Canal + and La Casa Encedida cultural center, is organizing a workshop for children entitled The Art of Telling. Children aged 7 to 10 will become writers and journalists for a few days and learn firsthand, from inside the business, how to make a radio and television program, a newspaper and a book, covering the various processes involved in publishing and journalism.

Santillana's team has designed a workshop that aims to help children understand how reading and writing can stimulate imagination and creativity. They’ll discover the main stages involved in publishing a book: from coming up with a story and shaping the narrative and characters to illustration and layout. Children will also explore different examples of digital books to help them understand the various options for reading on paper and on tablets and other mobile devices.

The children, divided into groups, will create and illustrate their own stories with the help of children's author Lola Núñez and illustrator Benitez Chema, and together they’ll publish a volume of stories that they’ll each receive at the end of the workshop. For the children it will be the first time, as writers, that they get to participate in making a real book, with their names, their stories and their illustrations.

Meanwhile at radio network Cadena SER, they’ll learn all about the language of radio, how to express ideas, and the skill of synthesis, the chief radio skills. By playing and through the use of imagination they will discover how radio is put together (the news, the commercials, interviews, music and sport).

At TV network Canal +, they’ll have the opportunity to learn about television studios and what it’s like to stand in front of a camera. They’ll have a crash course in teleprompter reading, in preparing scripts, and commenting on a football game ... Finally they’ll learn how to make a newspaper, in its print and digital editions, and they’ll visit the editorial offices and the print presses of El País.

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