
The magazine Claves, founded by Javier Pradera and Fernando Savater, celebrates its 25th anniversary


A quarter of a century thinking about serious things, bringing together leading thinkers to reflect on the future and the past of humankind ... and plenty of good laughs were recalled yesterday at the 25th anniversary celebrations, held at the Eugenio Trias library, for the magazine Claves de la Pazón Práctica, founded by Javier Pradera and Fernando Savater. 

Joaquin Estefania, member of the magazine’s editorial board and former editor-in-chief of El País (published by Prisa, which also publishes Claves) told attendees that laughter could always be heard throughout the office where Pradera worked, as he, Savater and Nuria Claver (editorial secretary) decided on content and and design. Pradera died four years ago and the magazine is now run by Savater, while Nuria Claver brings order to ideas and commissions, but nobody who ever heard Pradera’s laughter echoing around the offices will ever forget him or his great sense of humor

Claves was the result of Javier Pradera’s intellectual prestige, as editor and columnist for El País; and the publication was justly called by the philosopher Aranguren "the collective intellect" of the transition and the post-Franco era. The Pradera-Savater tandem ensured the miraculous survival of Claves, said Estefanía, who pointed out that it was uncommon in Spain for an intellectual endeavor to last for a quarter of a century.But, Savater said, "we could not have done anything" without readers; readers who have shown that there is a part of society that expects intellectual and open debate. "Tolerant and broad does not mean empty", and the issues raised by Claves over the past 25 years, often "have given us more questions than answers." Savater appreciated the fact that the event was held in a what used to be a zoo. Thought and ideas, he said, are "the untamed part” of society

Savater and Estefanía were joined by the academics Helena Béjar and Roberto Blanco, both writers for Claves. Attending the event were other contributors to the magazine, including  intellectuals and academics, as well as Natalia Rodríguez Salmones, the widow of Pradera, and Máximo, their son. All joined togethger in a toast to Claves, and laughed – just like back in the old days.

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