Press Releases

Pilar Gil, new director


The Group's Board of Directors has agreed at its meeting today, following a favorable report from the Appointments, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee (ARCGC), to co-opt Pilar Gil as an executive director to fill the vacancy left by Khalid Thani Abdullah Al Thani, after he informed the company of his resignation from the Board of Directors due to his current professional commitments. Pilar Gil will also form part of the Executive Committee.

Gil has been PRISA's CFO since July 2022 and has spent a large part of her professional career in the Group, where she has held a range of key positions. Her professional profile and experience match the competency matrix set by the ARCGC, and the company has issued a statement to this effect to the CNMV.

The incorporation of Pilar Gil to the Board is also in compliance with the Group’s recommendations on good corporate governance, which seek to increase the presence of women on the Board of Directors. With this latest appointment, women now account for 42.86% of its total members.

The company thus continues apace with its commitment to increase the presence of women across the organization. Indeed, Board committees already have a high female representation: 100% on the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee; 80% on the Sustainability Commission; 50% on the ARCGC and 33.33% on the Executive Committee. In addition, three of these bodies are chaired by women. All these figures are proof positive of the Board of Directors' commitment to gender diversity.

Meanwhile, the company is also focused on strengthening the presence of women in top-level management positions across the organization, with senior management made up of 5 women and 4 men. In other words, the female presence in this regard stands at 55.55%.

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